Social Arrangement

GEWO Feinmechanik GmbH has social activities both beyond our region and at our headquarters in Hörlkofen.

Donations to Social Institutions and Clubs

The Christmas presents don´t go directly to their contact persons, instead of this we have a tombola.

The benefit goes to social institutions.


Georg Woitzik donated his financial presents (4000€) of his round birthday to the Christophorus Hospizverein Erding e.V. 


Cooperation with workshops for handicapped people

  • Isar Sempt Werkstätten GmbH der Lebenshilfe Erding und Freising in the range of outsourcing
  • Fendsbacher Hof – an institution of Catholic Jugendfürsorge der Erzdiözese München und Freising, they maintain our garden.

Sponsoring the local sports clubs.

Since 1993 sponsoring of the soccer club – Hörlkofener SV







Sponsoring the voluntary fire fighters of Hörlkofen

The proceeds from the open house day were handed over to the fire fighters Hörlkofen.



Bonus for good training results during apprenticeship.

The apprentices of GEWO Feinmechanik GmbH obtain a bonus for very good results.

GEWO Feinmechanik GmbH supports the friends´ association twice every year with money for awarding the best students.


Information for schools and pupils

Information for work orientation at schools and training trade fairs

Company tours with school classes

Internships for pupils