Wir sind Bayerns BAYERNS BEST 50 – zum vierten Mal!
Sieger beim Großen Preis des Mittelstandes 2022 (Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung)
Gründerpaar Marianne und Georg Woitzik mit der Preisträgerstatue 2022
Top Arbeitgeber im Mittelstand 2022 (yourfirm)
BAYERNS BEST 50 – Awarded in 2018
GEWO Feinmechanik GmbH is also in 2018 one of the best medium-sized Bavarian companies.
The Bavarian ministry for economy and media, energy and technology awarded again the fifty fastest growing medium-sized companies on 23 July 2018.
GEWO Feinmechanik GmbH has repeatedly been one of the winners. The awarded significant facts were the over average growth in turnover and number of employees.
The awarding was done by the minister of economics, Mr. Pschierer in the noble castle of Oberschleißheim
„Trusted Supplier“ of Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH
Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH and Gewo have been working together very successfully for nearly two decades: The beginning were joint development projects, which developed few years later into a partnership.
Bavarian family-owned company of the year 2015 in the category „social commitment“
The economic association „Die Familienunternehmer ASU and Die Jungen Unternehmer BJU“ awarded GEWO Feinmechanik GmbH with the title „Bavarian family-owned company of the year“ in the category „social commitment“.
Family Woitzik with member of the economic board and laudator Dr. Patrik Adenauer
BAYERNS BEST 50 – awarded in 2014
The Bavarian ministry for economy and media, energy and technology awarded the fifty fastest growing medium-sized companies on 29 July 2014.
The significant awarded facts were the over average growth in turnover and number of employees.
The awarding was done by the minister of economics, Mrs. Ilse Aigner.
Special awarding for companies which provide very intensive activities in apprenticeships in 2014.
GEWO Feinmechanik GmbH was awarded for their extaordinary efforts for their brilliant training by the Bavarian ministry for economy and media, energy and technology.
Awarding „Verdienter Ausbilder 2013“
On 27 September 2013, the special awarding of the Bavarian ministry of economics for the voluntary activities for corporate education and performance of education took place.
President of Chamber of Trade for Munich and Upper Bavaria Heinrich Traublinger and political president Christoph Hillenbrand awarded Mr. Georg Woitzik for his very long activities in the field of apprentices´education as „verdienten Ausbilder“
Herr Woitzik was for a very long time head of the board of examiners!
The title „verdienter Ausbilder“ is a special award of the Bavarian ministry for economy and media, energy and technology.
AOK Certificate for in-house health activities
for performance of the company for supporting staff´s health and creating sustainable structures and processes for supporting staff´s health.
AOK director Andreas Kochbeck awarded the company´s comprehensive activities by handing out the certificate „Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement“.
Mr. Kochbeck especially emphasized the company´s activities to improve the health of the staff as well as the creation of sustainable structures and processes in the in-house health management.
Certificate for the quality management by GEWO inhouse
ISO 9001:2015
Certified by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH
Customer Awards